Did I fully KISS MY COMFORT ZONE GOODBYE??? An update……

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

SO, now it’s April 20, 10 days until the Orangetheory Marathon Challenge is over! If you remember from my last post, I had signed up for the Ultra Marathon, or 31.3 miles, but I had decided instead of running that distance ONCE, I would do it TWICE, or 62.6 miles for the month.
When we last checked in, I had finished Day 7, and was at 24 miles. On Day 10, my total was over 32 miles, and I was done with the Ultra! Yay! And yesterday was Day 17, 55 miles. And it has only gotten more difficult EVERY DAY. I have only let myself take one day off per week, and I am keeping my speeds up as high as I can every day. Here is where it is really getting uncomfortable. But when I was there the other day, one of the coaches said to me, “so why don’t you try to do 80 miles”? 80 MILES. Almost 50 over the original goal, 18 over the crazy one. EIGHTY.

Photo by AquaChara on Unsplash

SO let me be clear, if I stick with my “Doing the Ultra Twice” goal, I will be done in 2 more workouts. Woohoo!!!! I can coast. I can take my speeds down, relax a bit more, not feel like I’M GOING TO DIE on a daily basis…But……
Is that any fun? I mean, this is the true test, right? Not quitting when it really sucks. Like really. I am leaving town on the 29th and 30th, so to make it to 80, I will have to do at least 3.1 miles EVERY DAY for the next 8 days. No make ups. No slowing down. No quitting.
Part of me says, “You did it! You are set to make your goal, so let’s party!”
The other part of me says, “If you quit now, it won’t even mean anything-not unless you take it WAY past where you ever thought you could. And kept going when it SUCKED. HARD.”
So 80 miles, here I come…..
The whole point of this too, isn’t just about running. It’s about not giving up. All that stuff I tell my kids, I have to live it. I have to show them what that means. And I have to show myself. So that next time I can break through my comfort zone when I am blogging, singing, or anything else in my life. Image result for if your dreams don't scare you quote
RIGHT?????? Getting what you want can be SCARY! It is so important to know-that scary feeling is you leaving the COMFORT ZONE……………So get out on that cliff!


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