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Wow, what a weekend! MARCH MADNESS INDEED! I don’t know about you, but I watched A LOT of basketball. And had some St.Paddy’s fun. Etc…etc….etc…..And then BOOM! Alarm goes off at 5:20 and it’s Monday-bleh. And the OVERWHELM (not a word by itself, I know, but I just made it one) of all our demands and responsibilities come flooding over us. Or me. Maybe you too. And all I want to do is snuggle on the couch with my little nuggets. Wouldn’t you?
Man, these two sure taught me about living in the moment. And they have to teach me over and over again almost every day! Even just that feeling when you are frustrated with them and you just want quiet, and then you drop them off at school Monday morning and you miss them after 3 minutes! That’s when I’m reminded of how important it is to enjoy every moment with them.
And speaking of being in the moment, let’s get back to that overwhelming feeling again. So I opened my email, realized I had to change my entire calendar for the next two weeks, and started to spiral. I don’t like last minute. AT ALL. So usually when I feel like this, one thing I do is workout. But because of said schedule, that is not happening today. So here is what I do on days like this:
- I only focus on TODAY. That’s it. So I have written down for myself, exactly what is happening/needs to happen for the rest of the day. From this moment, until my head hits the pillow. It may sound stupid, but it really helps to see it on paper. Even things like, “feed the dog”, “make dinner” ” help kids with homework”, I get it all in there. Because not only does it help to see it, it helps even more to CROSS IT OFF. I am a list-maker. Sometimes I even write things down that I already did, JUST to CROSS IT OFF. It feels GOOD. TRY IT.
- Delegate and Procrastinate. I know it sounds counterproductive, but if you are having trouble dealing with things now, make now doable. Anything you don’t HAVE to do today, don’t. Anything you can delegate, do that too. My kids can feed the dog, help with dinner, pack their own lunches, right????
- Little Treat. Figure out something that will give you an extra little bit of happiness today. Maybe it’s watching puppies on YouTube for 15 minutes, meditating, listening to Missy Elliott as loud as you can, or getting your favorite latte. The little things. Life is about the little things.
Ok, so try this, and see how it feels today! Let me know if it helped!
Until next time……..
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