2018-All the Badassery

Hello Nuhvuh readers! So sorry to have been on such a long blogging hiatus, but I am BACK, BABY!


At the risk of getting all Kumbaya on you, I am ready to kick some serious ass in my life. And I want you to too. And a book I recently read has pumped me up tremendously, so I highly recommend you go get it-NOW!

Buy it here- Amazon


So I have been carrying this around in my purse for the past 2 months, all worn and highlighted and dog-eared.

Don’t get me wrong, I have read plenty of books about manifestation, positive thinking, spirituality, and more. But this one really resonated with me. Maybe it’s just that I am more than ready to go to the next level. Maybe it’s the way she writes; she’s very candid, really witty, and isn’t afraid to throw in a  few cuss words here and there. Or maybe the universe just dropped this book in my lap!


Nevertheless, I am excited about it and I want to share some of the reasons that I am so pumped after reading it.


Three of my New and/or Renewed Commandments for 2018 and Beyond:


1. Who Gives a Crap? This is a WHOPPER for me. I used to spent a great deal of time and energy worrying about what others think of me. And you know what? It’s none of my business. And who cares. I mean, my kids, my husband, of course I want them to be proud to call me mom and wife, and of course I want us to help each other become better people. But ultimately it’s all about being able to look myself in the mirror. Sometimes I am going to do things that others question, and dare I say, judge, and so what?  99% of what people think about you is formed by their own stories, so, like I said, none of your business. And I am not so dumb as to think I have all the answers, trust me, I think having mentors and advisors and confidantes is super duper important (More on that in a  future post). But I also know that I ultimately I know what is best for me. And while we are on the subject, the “who gives a crap” also pertains to people who are jealous of you/try to drag you down or make you feel bad for where you are in life.  Don’t feel bad about having more/being fitter/getting the job you want…etc… You aren’t taking anything away from anyone else.  Just think of yourself as a bright light and the brighter you are, the more you will shine on everyone else too.


2. Do Things That Scare Me/I think I Can’t Do.  This one is ESSENTIAL to getting where you want to go. I try to tell my kids all the time-NOTHING feels more amazing than doing something you thought there was NO WAY you could do. This is one of the primary reasons I love Orangetheory Fitness.  I go to Orangetheory almost every day, and almost every day I have some limiting thought like, “I’m so tired” or ” I can’t possibly beat my time”, or just “WTH?” And every time I leave I have that amazing feeling of accomplishment knowing that I did it anyway. Over the past two years going there I have gotten stronger and stronger, and I don’t just mean my body. And you know how everyone always talks about that comfort zone? There’s a reason for that-cause nothing fabulous happens in there. I have to remind myself that when I am really scared to do something. That feeling of terror means I am on the right track. Actually, my husband had to remind me of that very thing the other day-I was freaking out and really overwhelmed about a project and he said “Isn’t this what you wanted?” Actually, YES IT IS. EXACTLY.


3. THANK YOU. Be thankful. This is something I remind myself every morning, noon, and night. It is ridiculous how many things we have to be thankful for and yet it is so easy to focus on what we haven’t yet received. Notice I said haven’t YET received? Very important. I say that because in the being thankful I am also saying I have faith that I will continue to have all that I need/desire. This is where the law of attraction and manifestation really come into play-because what you focus on becomes your reality. So focus on all the amazing things in your life! Here’s another really important point. I used to get hung up on comparing myself to others. Someone who got a role I wanted, a new house, and on and on. A couple of points about this: those people are on their own path and I am on mine. Apples and Oranges. AND, I have to remember that I am only seeing their highlight reel, I have no idea what challenges they face. Also, when those people are your friends, it’s not a good feeling to be envious of them. It sucks. I only want to be happy for my friends, I want to see them all succeed and have all the abundance and happiness and wealth they dream of. AND their happiness and wealth and abundance doesn’t mean I can’t have all of that too, it’s not like we are in one of those machines with the cash blowing around and there’s is only so much in there. There are INFINITE blessings available to us in the world. THANK YOU!!!!

SO there’s my two cents for today! Onward and Upward!


Until next time…….




P.S.- This is what badassery looks like…….22291323_10214148047152786_2047094685119433878_o

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