SUMMER…..Ahhhhhh……. For most, summer evokes thoughts of beaches, drinks with umbrellas in them, exotic vacations, and much needed relaxation. And hopefully, we can all get some of that at SOME point during the summer months. But for many of us, work still expects us to show up (I know, right????), bills still have to be paid, and life still continues.… Read more →

The ONE Quick Trick I Use to Allieviate Overwhelm

I am anxious. There, I said it. Not the social anxiety sort of anxious, like I hide at parties, but the kind that gets you when you feel overwhelmed. The kind that comes up when you have kids and jobs and husbands and friends and projects and blogs and singing gigs and houses, and mothers with Alzheimer’s, and it feels… Read more →

Did I fully KISS MY COMFORT ZONE GOODBYE??? An update……

SO, now it’s April 20, 10 days until the Orangetheory Marathon Challenge is over! If you remember from my last post, I had signed up for the Ultra Marathon, or 31.3 miles, but I had decided instead of running that distance ONCE, I would do it TWICE, or 62.6 miles for the month. When we last checked in, I had… Read more →

5 AMAZING Finds to Buy at Target RIGHT NOW!

In the interest of full disclosure, I will just open by saying Target is my happy place. Taking an hour to wander the aisles at my leisure, with a Target Cafe soda and popcorn in tow, is definitely a start to a great day. And I don’t really ever think about why. Maybe it is some voodoo spell they’ve cast… Read more →

How I am Learning to Kiss My Comfort Zone GOODBYE…

I AM FINALLY GETTING GOOD AT TELLING THAT VOICE IN MY HEAD TO SHUTUP. I think I am figuring out the secret to how to make this happen. Because she likes to tell me how many things I CAN’T DO, and I am OVER IT. I found the secret in this Marathon Challenge I am doing. No, I am not… Read more →

DIY Egg Cactus Pots

In one of my late-night Pinterest binges recently, I saw the the cutest little “cactus pots” made from hard boiled eggs. To be fair, I have to give credit to the original site they came from, called Quartz and Leisure. She has a beautiful site, check it out!   But I loved these so much, I wanted them to be… Read more →


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